KOSS Development Experience:
The key to growing and developing programming and development skills is by making new projects and contributing to the open source community which enriches your interest in becoming a great contributor. So I decided to improve my tech skills by participating in KWOC and contributing to it so as to gain a new experience in the open source world.
About KWOC
KWOC is a five-week-long program by IIT Kharagpur, which aims at helping beginners get involved with open source. It is conducted in the winters and aims at preparing students for GSOC and girl-script summer of code.
#Contributing to the major projects:
The major project mainly which I worked on in KWOC was DS Algo Solutions project which was the collection of solutions for HackerRank data structures and algorithms problems in Python, CPP, Java which was mentored by Aditya Bisoi.
Project Link: adityabisoi/ds-algo-solutions
Mentor: Aditya Bisoi
Project Description: Under this project, there was a collection of all solutions for HackerRank data structures and algorithms problems in Python, CPP and Java. This community-owned project aimed to bring together the solutions for the DS and Algo problems across the various platforms along with the resources for learning them. Problems from Leetcode will be included soon in the project.
First Pull Request: I have implemented the Left Rotation problem in python and here an element of the array from the input comes and I directly assign it to the array at the specific index after shifting. d left rotations being equal to (n-d) right rotations. The array has a size of n, so when the index (i+n-d) is equal to n, the index actually goes back to the starting index. I used mod to get the correct index where I want to assign the element when the index is larger than n.
Issue: #2
PR for this issue: #223
Second pull request: I implemented the tree Huffman decoding problem where it requires function to print the decoded string instead of returning it. Also python implementation fails the requirement: “Internal nodes have a character value of ϕ (NULL).” — they actually have zero-terminated string (string with one character of code 0). So I implemented to fix this code.
Issue: #5
PR for this issue: #223
Third pull request: I implemented the queues-medium issues down to zeroes, Queue using two stacks and Castle on the grid problems that is I did all the three problems through this issue and generated three PRs for this for individual problems.
Issue: #45
PR for this issue: #243, 244 and 245
Fourth pull request: I implemented the Create issue-template.md file and added a issue template file in the project.
Issue: #251
PR for this issue: #334
Fifth pull request: I implemented the ACM ICPC Team problem in python where I considered using bitwise OR operations on whole strings , rather than checking each character individually . It need only two for loops in that case , and a running time complexity of almost O(n²) at best , since we have to investigate each possible team.
Issue: #371
PR for this issue: #373
Sixth pull request: I implemented the top view which was trees-medium level problem in python file and added it.
Issue: #39
PR for this issue: #332
Conclusion of my work:
Thus in total I have raised six PR’s in this project and learnt a lot from each contributions and commits in the code.
I would like to thank my mentor Aditya Bisoi for guiding and supporting me in every step of the program and helping me in the project doubts. I even worked as a collaborator with him in this project so that I can help him manage the PRs and raising comments on every issues and assigning that issue to the students. It was really a great lovely learning experience for me which gave me deep insights into the code of the project. I would like to thank KOSS, IIT KGP for conducting this wonderful beginner friendly open source program which outreaches the beginners who steps initially into the open source world. This program helped me to learn what open source contributions are and how it can be helpful to develop a promising career in the software development and the open source world.
-Subhangi Choudhary(Contributor in KOSS)